kangaroo island community education
School Wear Shop
The Schoolwear Shop aims to provide a reliable, convenient, one-stop supply of schoolwear at the best possible prices for our school community. All school wear items listed on the KICE Dress Code are available from the Schoolwear Shop at very reasonable prices.
The Schoolwear Shop is managed by School Services Officer, Cindy Florance, with the help of a small group of volunteer parents. If anyone else would like to support the Schoolwear Shop by helping in some way, please contact Cindy (See Schoolwear Shop Enquiries below for contact details.) Any profit over and above running costs will help fund improvements for our students and school.
Schoolwear can be ordered by using either the Mastercard QWR app (linked below) or the Order form.
By supporting the Schoolwear Shop you are helping raise funds for our school.
Kingscote Campus
Admin Building
Student Services Area
5 Centenary Avenue, Kingscote, SA 5223
Normal school term hours
Monday to Friday 8:30am -3:30pm
Phone: (08) 85532074
Orders and Enquiries Email: